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The semiconductor market has entered a period of inventory adjustment, and the quotations of mature wafer foundry processes have continued to decline

09/05/2022 Semiconductor Market, Semiconductor Inventory, Wafer Foundry, China Fab, UMC, Power Semiconductor


(The picture comes from the Internet)

  Wafer foundries continue to cut prices. As the semiconductor market enters the inventory adjustment period, the quotations for mature foundry processes also continue to decline; according to private disclosures by IC designers, the recent decline in quotations of Taiwanese foundries has accumulated by about two percent. successful, and there is still room for negotiation in the future.

  IC designers further explained that due to the slowdown in semiconductor demand, the pressure on wafer foundries to deplete inventories has greatly increased; and under the gradual loosening of IC designers' orders for wafer foundries, wafer foundries have successively reduced prices. tide. In particular, after the mature process of the fab in mainland China took the lead in reducing prices in July, the price reduction has also spread to the foundry industry in Taiwan, China, which is also dominated by mature processes.

  In short, the market expects that this wave of semiconductor inventory revisions will continue into the first half of next year; and Taiwanese wafer foundries such as UMC, NSMC, and World Advanced have also expressed their views before.

  Wang Shi, general manager of UMC, previously stated that due to the continued strong demand for UMC's differentiated processes in the end market, the financial figures for the second quarter were in line with expectations, the capacity utilization rate was 100% fully loaded, and the overall wafer shipments increased by 4.3% compared with the previous quarter. The increase in selling price and favorable exchange rate pushed the gross profit margin to 46.5% in the second quarter.

  Wang Shi explained that UMC's business will remain stable going into the third quarter. Although there may be short-term fluctuations in the cooling demand for smartphones, personal computers and consumer electronics, UMC actively cooperates with customers to adjust product mix. After a two-year super cycle, the semiconductor industry is entering a period of inventory adjustment.

  PSMC mentioned at the July conference that due to the decline in market demand, the production capacity utilization rate has declined, so that the gross profit margin in the third quarter will return to a more normal situation; however, PSMC will improve production efficiency , and adjust the product mix and accelerate the finalization of new products.

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